* Title
No. VI - The Mirrored Universe @
| Swarovski Crystals & Customization of Lens & Photo Camera
Accessories + External Speaker Accessory
Accessories + External Speaker Accessory
| Living Eye of Life's Collection
| Circular Sculpture work
| Diameter - 100 cm
| Depth - 12 cm
* Award-winning art
* Artist Of The Future Award
Contemporary art Curator - CAC
* Artistic Story
The Mirrored Universe @...The @, in addition to the unit of measurement [believed to have been used by the scribes to signal prices or refer to someone’s home], became in the 70s, a computer symbol, when it was created by Ray Tomlinson, the 1st email address, today in massive use, to become as well the glyph that precedes our name, as cybernauts, similar to what is believed to have been used by copyists, in the Middle Ages, as an abbreviation symbol for the Latin proposition "ad" with the meaning of "para", "em", "a", given its length, applicability and dimension, it gave birth to a Universal allusion! By mentioned above, in the universe @, it is never too early or too late to communicate, because the dialogue is exercised at the speed of fiber optics', creating dialogues and connections without end...!Thus, the Work Universe @ presents the personification of 6 birds, whose behavior mirrors the human, in which all communicate with each other, sometimes without knowing its real nature! With their respective nozzles, as if they intercept the wires they bring to them, the Net, appearing on the scenery in full communication [hence the external speaker accessory]! * The 1st Bird - The Eagle of the Philippines, personified by the wise and shrewd user [hence the inclusion of a digital zoom lens in his eye], which uses his @ to go further, honestly and safely! The one who, similar to the specimen ', is in danger of extinction! * In the 2nd, turning to the right ’, we see the Tucano, considered in its domain as highly social, travels' in the content looking for animation, the easy and innocent joke and with that, is entertained and shares without rest...! * 3rd - The personification of the Vulture, which sees in detail [2nd in the ranking of birds with better vision, hence the lens with digital zoom in the eye] and bubbles incessantly' misleading stories, to cast down their prey, so that, as a scavenger, be likely to devour' them! * The 4th, the Bird of Paradise, chosen by its name, is one of the most beautiful in the kingdom of birds, personified, represents the @ friend, ready to give a positive and conciliatory view [hence a ring or bow and a Swarovski Crystal in his' eye], with its soft and valuable plumage, sweetly consoles anyone who is depressed, always having a recommendation for your benefit and thus we have the constellation of Apus in the southern hemisphere. * The 5th, the Falcon who is a Lord, a noble race, a businessman, who knows and sees everything [in symbol - his eye, full of Swarovski crystals] and nimbly [the fastest of his kind], making the most of his @ distinguished, with punctuality and with assertiveness! * And finally, the 6th - the Parrot [known for his vocal skills] is a born communicator, entertainer / humorist if he wishes ... he shares everything he knows, sometimes a “knowledge facilitator”, that of so much take and so much to bring, can carry a literal @ of information each day! * Thus, the work seems to launch the challenge: In the Mirrored Universe@, can you detect birds, with which you identify and others with which you need to take some precautions? And in these Universe@, what kind of bird do you jud/think you are?
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